Virginia Weatherization Program - Washington Gas

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be an existing Washington Gas residential customer living in Virginia
  • Household income is used to determine eligibility. Households earning 80% of Area Median Income or less qualify. Multifamily properties with at least 66% of residents earning 80% of Area Median Income or less also qualify.  Visit the HUD List of Area Median Income for Virginia to determine eligibility.

Program Details

The Low-Income Energy Audit and Weatherization Program is designed to reduce heating and water heating costs for income-qualifying families in Washington Gas’ Virginia service territory by improving the energy efficiency of their homes. The program provides energy efficiency services for qualifying households living in affordable multifamily properties as well as single-family homes. The program is available to both owner-occupied and renter-occupied households 

Available Measures

Based on presence of gas-fired space heating appliance(s) and/or gas-fired water heating appliance(s), typical measures may include but are not limited to the following:

• Customer Educational Materials
• Water Heater Tank Insulation
• Water Pipe Insulation
• Low-Flow Showerheads
• Bathroom & Kitchen Faucet Aerators 
• Air Sealing
• Duct Sealing
• Attic Insulation
• Furnace Clean & Tune


Request Information About This Program

Washington Gas works with Community Housing Partners (CHP) Energy Solutions, a nonprofit organization based in Virginia, to deliver this program to customers. To see if you qualify, call 1-888-229-3714 Option 1 or email our program administrator, CHP energy Solutions at

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