Best Educational Websites About Energy


Informative sites for consumers and fun energy-oriented games for kids

We use energy every day, from electricity to solar power to natural gas.

But how often do we think about where our power comes from, and how it’s obtained and transported to us?

Become a well-educated consumer by learning what it takes to keep your oven cooking and your light bulbs burning.
There are many informative websites that will make this easier. Kids can even get in on the fun with energy-oriented games and activities.

Here are a few of the best on the Web:

  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s Power Profiler: Enter your zip code to find out what kinds of fuel and emissions are common in your region and how they compare to the national average.
  • EPA’s Energy Star: Get information about energy efficiency for your building, including energy-efficient products for your home, building tips for your contractor and strategies for greening commercial buildings. This site also has a fun kids’ page.
  • Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE): This is the most comprehensive source for information about incentives and policies that promote increased use of renewables and greater energy efficiency in the U.S.
  • EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator: This calculator describes greenhouse gases in concrete terms. For example, learn that 100 kilowatt-hours of electricity emit the same amount of carbon dioxide as is sequestered by 1.8 tree seedlings grown for 10 years.
  • U.S. Energy Information Administration’s Energy Kids website: This well-designed and super-informative site will enlighten your little ones through fun games and activities.
  • Consumers Energy’s Brain Station: Let yours kids loose on this fun site, where they’ll learn from games and activities, or check out the portion for teachers and parents, which features lessons plans and a newsroom.
  • National Geographic’s Great Energy Challenge: This beautifully-designed site offers energy news and features, a personal energy meter, a light bulb savings calculator, quizzes, videos, energy-use and climate change maps and other resources.
  • For the latest happenings in energy, including alternative options, a number of news sites will have what you’re looking for: Forbes, Bloomberg, The Daily Energy Report, Green Technology Media, Alternative Energy News, and the U.S. Department of Energy news and blog site.
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