Tips on Managing a Higher Bill
Important Notice: Expect a Higher Bill Due to Cold Weather

Important Notice: Expect a Higher Bill Due to Cold Weather

Dear Valued Customer,


We hope you are staying warm and safe during this chilly winter season. As we experience snowstorms and below-freezing temperatures, your heating equipment will work harder and longer than usual to keep your home warm and cozy.

During the winter season, it is normal to see an increase in energy usage, which can lead to higher energy bills. To understand this better, we recommend reading your bill to view your therm usage. Therms are the unit of measurement for the amount of natural gas used. Therms show the increase in energy consumption and explain why your bill is higher this month compared to warmer months.

Note that month-to-month usage may change during the winter season based on weather conditions. According to the National Weather Service, average temperatures in December 2024 were 3.6 degrees lower than the previous year and 13.3 degrees lower than November,1 which may have resulted in increased energy consumption to heat your home.

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, U.S. winter natural gas bills are expected to be, on average, higher than last winter.2 Several factors may influence natural gas prices such as weather, imports and exports, and changes in inventory levels.3 Please note that as a regulated utility, Washington Gas does not make a profit from the sale of natural gas. The price we pay for gas is passed on to our customers. In other words, customers pay the same amount for natural gas as Washington Gas pays its suppliers.


1 Source: National Weather Service (NWS)
2 Source: US Energy Information Administration (EIA)
3 Source: American Gas Association (AGA)


Factors that result in higher-than-expected bills:

  • Colder weather: Colder weather typically drives higher gas usage, which results in higher bills.
  • Number of days in a month: The number of days of usage will vary monthly and from previous years, ranging from 28 to 34 days depending upon the month and the billing cycle. This variation may impact the usage charge for that month in comparison to the prior month or the prior year. You can check the “Period” on your bill to see the specific number of days for each billing cycle. The example below shows 29 days for the billing period.
  • Higher seasonal gas usage: Having more people in your home during the holidays, school break, or being home more during the month, can naturally lead to increased usage due to hot showers and cooking.
  • Changes to household settings: Making changes to your thermostat such as raising the temperature setting or reprogramming your hourly settings, can lead to increased usage.

    If you have reviewed the above information and still believe your usage was higher than normal for this time of year, please call 844-WASHGAS to review your account with a customer service advocate.


    Tips for managing your bill:

    • Budget Plan spreads the cost of usage evenly throughout the year so there are no surprises. To enroll, visit:
    • Implementing energy efficiency measures can help save on energy consumption. Learn more at
    • For additional winter preparedness information, such as safety tips, assistance with paying your bill, and payment plans, visit

      Thank you for being a valued Washington Gas customer.

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Customer Service 844-WASHGAS
