Disconnect Service for Homeowners - Washington Gas


There are times when you may need to have your gas service disconnected. Or, some homeowners who are not current Washington Gas customers may need confirmation that their home does not have gas service.

For help disconnecting service or verifying that your home does not have gas utility service:

  • Please call 844-WASHGAS and request to have the gas turned off at the meter that services your home, if you are planning to perform construction work on your existing home and need gas temporarily disconnected.

  • Please complete the Service Abandonment/Demolition Request Form, if your property is connected to the gas utility and you require it to be temporarily or permanently disconnected at or near the property line. This is typically required for renovations impacting the footprint of the house or where a current building will be demolished and replaced. The completed form may be emailed to svcabandonments@washgas.com or faxed to 703-750-7570. Service abandonment/demolition requests take approximately 6 to 14 weeks to fully complete.

  • If you need Washington Gas to confirm there is no natural gas service on your property, you must complete the Request to Confirm No Gas Service form. A confirmation of no gas service takes approximately 6 weeks to complete. The completed form may be emailed to svcabandonments@washgas.com or faxed to 703-750-7570
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