Washington Gas - A WGL Company

Seasonal Customer Communication – High Bill Alert

Having experienced snowstorms and below-freezing temperatures, your heating equipment has worked harder and longer than usual to keep your home warm and cozy. During the winter season, it is normal to see an increase in energy usage, which can lead to higher energy bills. To understand this better, we recommend reading your bill to view your therm usage. Therms are the unit of measurement for the amount of natural gas used. Therms show the increase in energy consumption and explain why your bill is higher this month compared to warmer months.

For tips on how to manage your bills:

  • The Budget Plan spreads the cost of usage evenly throughout the year so there are no surprises. To enroll, visit: washingtongas.com/budget_bill.
  • Implementing energy efficiency measures can help save on energy consumption. Learn more at wgsmartsavings.com/.
  • For additional winter preparedness information, such as safety tips, assistance with paying your bill, and payment plans, visit washingtongas.com/winter

Do you need help paying your energy bill?

If you've fallen behind, we can help! Energy assistance programs are available to manage your Washington Gas bill.

DC residents' application period: October 1 — September 30
MD residents' application period: July 1 — June 30
VA residents' application period resumes: Oct 8 — Nov 8
WAFF (Washington Area Fuel Fund): The application period runs from January 1 – May 31

All customers must reapply every year for continued assistance.

For more information on all energy assistance programs:
Visit: www.washingtongascares.com

Warning Icon If you suspect a natural gas leak or other emergency:

Number 1 Icon
RECOGNIZE: Natural gas smells like sulfur, or rotten eggs. If you smell that, it may be a sign of a leak.
Call Icon
Number 2 Icon
REACT: Upon smelling natural gas, leave your building or location immediately.
Clock Icon
Number 3 Icon
RESPOND: Call 911 then the Washington Gas Emergency Line: 844-WASHGAS (844-927-4427) OPTION 1
Phone Icon

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Tips on Managing a Higher Bill

We hope you are staying warm and safe during this chilly winter season.

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Customer Service 844-WASHGAS
