Extreme weather, construction, summertime brownouts and many other unforeseen complications can interrupt the electrical service you and your family depend on for your daily activities. With a natural gas standby power generator, when electricity is lost – day or night – you can be assured that your home will continue to have all the comfort and convenience you depend on.
A natural gas generator is permanently installed outdoors, much like an air-conditioning unit. A typical natural gas standby power generator has an automatic transfer switch that continuously monitors the utility power for an interruption. If utility power fails, the transfer switch automatically starts the generator, transferring electrical loads and restoring power to your home. When utility power resumes, the transfer switch automatically reverses the process – whether you're home or away.
Essential Loads:
Essential loads supply electrical power during an outage only to the devices you've selected.
Managed Loads:
Managed loads cycle power on and off for different appliances to manage power.
Whole House:
Whole House provides generator power to all devices in your home, as if they were drawing normal utility power.
It is important to have your gas appliance installed, inspected and serviced by a licensed professional.
We recommend that you hire a knowledgeable, experienced, licensed trade professional to install your natural gas appliances. Also, remember to inquire about financing options and rebate and incentive savings on high-efficiency products.
To find a contractor, please enter your zip code below and select an appliance.
Please note: Washington Gas does not guarantee dealers’ and/or installers’ work and recommends that you check references.