Natural Gas Home Heating - Washington Gas


Natural Gas Home Heating

Whether you have forced air, a baseboard system or radiators in your home, there is a natural gas furnace system for you. Today's high-efficiency natural gas heating systems – now up to 96 percent efficient – keep you warm and comfortable on the chilliest days. Since space heating accounts for nearly half of your annual gas usage and heating systems often operate 15 hours a day during winter months, increasing efficiency is the single most effective way to reduce your gas bill.

How much can you save? Compared to older models with efficiency ratings of 60 to 65 percent, new gas furnace systems can save up to 40 percent on utility bills. Should you decide that switching to gas is the right decision for you, there are opportunities to save even more with gas equipment rebates. 

There are four types of natural gas furnace heating systems: forced-air, hydronic, ductless and combo.


Forced air heating systems are the most common type of system found in the United States. This type of natural gas heating uses burners to heat air. A blower or fan then circulates – or “forces” – the air through ductwork in the home.

With forced-air systems, you not only enjoy a steady flow of warm air, you heat your home faster while using less energy. And a natural gas furnace lasts two times longer than an electric heat pump.


Hydronic systems have a gas boiler that creates steam or hot water that is then circulated throughout the home through pipes or tubes. Hydronic systems can use baseboard components, radiators or pipes built into the floor.

They come in a wide range of sizes and efficiencies and need venting: atmospheric venting for lower-efficiency models and induced draft or sealed combustion for higher-efficiency models.


Whether it's supplemental heat for one room or even heating for the whole house, direct vent models can be installed on any exterior wall while vent-free models require no venting.

Vent-free models offer supplemental heat in a single room or emergency heat during a power failure.




Combine heating and water heating in a single natural gas system.

Cost Comparison Source: Operating Costs Chart

Experience life with natural gas

Get started

It is important to have your gas appliance installed, inspected and serviced by a licensed professional.

We recommend that you hire a knowledgeable, experienced, licensed trade professional to install your natural gas appliances. Also, remember to inquire about financing options and rebate and incentive savings on high-efficiency products.

To find a contractor, please enter your zip code below and select an appliance.


Please note: Washington Gas does not guarantee dealers’ and/or installers’ work and recommends that you check references.

Maryland customers seeking to qualify for available high efficiency equipment rebates must work with a participating contractor in the EmPOWER Contractor Network.  


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